Thursday, September 27, 2007

To do today

I should rename my blog: Abandoned Thoughts.

I think about my blog often, but I can't make it here. In fact, we are not doing any school work right now and we should be. But, I had to come here and I'll try and make this short for my sake and for yours.

Today's must do:
School work
Clean out van; we are donating our dying van to the Purple Heart group. They will be here between 1 and 3 and I need to get all our personal belongings out of the van
Clean up house; yeah, right. We'll I'll try hard because the bug man is coming out to spray today and I need to get a lot of things up off the floors. A lot of things....
Email people who responded to my Craigslist postings for our pool supplies.

Today's want to do:
Look up info on Scottish Festival going on in Williamsburg this weekend. We might go.
Find anniversary card for hubby. I bought on last year and forgot to give it to him. Must find it and try again this year. (it will be anniversary number 11)
Work on lesson plans for next week. Before school started, I spend several days and put together 4 weeks of lesson plans. Those 4 weeks are over and I need to work on the next couple of weeks.
so much more and no time to even write it down on the "to do" list

OK, I've had 2 phone calls, had to make one phone call, gotten one cup of milk for a kid, had to save my digital camera from the clutches of my toddler who was banging the camera against the wall, and several other kids come ask me multiple questions since I started writing this blog. It is not going well. I will never get this finished.

One more thing on the Want to do list:
Blog - I have two things I want to write about and I will tell the topic here so that when I return, I can remember. Easy as 1-2-3 and Dressing...... more to come!

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