Friday, August 29, 2008

mix up

The other day I asked my two year old to bring me the broom. He happily hops away and returns a few moments later with the toilet plunger.


Guess we need to work on that vocabulary.


Kleanteeth said...

Reminds me of a fly swatter incident. My sister was looking and looking for the fly swatter. She asked her then 1 year old and he said it was in the freezer. She wondered why in the world it would be there, but looked and didn't find it. She keeps looking and her son insists it's in the freezer. Finally after a bit of runaround, she realizes he's talking about ice water. The English language is so funny.

Martie said...


One day when one of my boys was around five,I found him jumping on the couch, wearing a cape and sword-fighting with our plunger. Oh, GAG. I wanted to dunk him in Lysol!

The thought still makes me sick!
