Monday, October 20, 2008


My two oldest boys have decided they want to be Indiana Jones for Halloween. Cool! The costume is harder to find than I would have imagined though. I'm not buying an Indiana Jones (IJ) costume from the store, but I'm searching thrift stores for possibilities. Well, I did come up with the hat,and that is the most important part of the costume. I found them at the dollar store on Friday. My boys have not taken off those hats since I got them. We went to a church activity on Saturday, they wore their hats, when they both came down the stairs this morning for breakfast, they were wearing their hats. My oldest son is 10. He is on the verge of leaving childhood. He wants to be treated older and I'm kind of sad to see him grow out of this stage of life. I'm excited for the young adult that he will become, but part of me just wants to keep my first born a kid forever. But this morning, when he came down in his IJ hat, my heart lept. Part of him is still a kid! Then again, part of me is still a kid, too.


The Roaming Rolfe's said...

Love it! You will have to take pictures and email me one!

SLC said...

It is a sad day when the magic of Halloween is gone. Hopefully you still have a few more years with the oldest before he outgrows it. Then now that I think of your husband, I don't think he's yet outgrown Halloween and all it's fun!