Friday, October 31, 2008

Please Election Day, come soon

I'm so, so, so, so tired of all the election stuff. I was tired of it a year ago. Now, as we are down the those last few days, I am (as I'm sure many are) getting bombarded by ads, phone calls, people knocking on the door telling me what bad things the other guy is doing and how I should support them.

Yesterday I got five glossy political ads in the mail. Today I got five more.

Well, if these guys didn't send out all these dumb ads, they would save a few trees and be more "green" as it is popular among politicians to be and the money they would save on paper, printing and postage could be put towards this struggling economy they say they care about and really boost it.

I'll just be so glad when it is all over next Wednesday. I have my pick, but really, I just want to see it end. I want to see them quit talking and start doing.

And please, stop sending me ads!

1 comment:

Lena Baron said...

You know, I was JUST thinking that same thing this evening. I just read that the campaign costs have been over a billion dollars this year. What if one of the candidates put all of his money into saving the economy? Wouldn't we be more likely to believe that he was really going to try and change something??