Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

Last night we went to some good friends house to celebrate and stayed up way past midnight to bring in the new year. We had a Star Wars partial marathon. We watched Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. We had to stop RotJ about 45 minutes before it was over to watch the ball drop in New York. Then, after the new year kisses and hugs, we went back to Star Wars and finished the movie. All the kids except my 2 year old stayed awake.

At our friends house, there was food galore. They are the best at having appetizers. We hardly ate dinner, just snacked on chips and dip, crackers and cheese ball, veggies, fruit, cheeses, and cookies. Mmmm. A delicious way to end the year.

Now, life will be getting back to normal soon. We got home from our trip on Sunday, spent the day unpacking and recovering from a midnight flight. Yesterday I cleaned like crazy and took Christmas stuff down. Today we will play and relax and then tomorrow, school starts! I guess I will spend part of today working out a lesson plan for the next week or two.

Happy New Year 2008!

1 comment:

SLC said...

Mmm...I love chips, dip, cheese, crackers, etc. Our New Year's hosts had great food too (mini eclairs!)