Friday, January 04, 2008

The New Look

Well, what do you think? Do you like my new look? It is very purple. Purple is a nice color. It is of my own doing and I'm very happy to have done it. I have other web projects I'm going to work on now, but now that I know this, perhaps I'll be able to do some theme projects in the future and hopefully, I'll get better and things won't look so purple. How about pink? Valentines day, here I come!

It is Friday! Hooray! Tonight's menu is Kalua pork, mmmmm. I've been meaning to make this for the last two days, but I kept forgetting. It takes 5-6 hours in a lower temp oven, so it isn't something you can start around four to have at dinner an hour or two later.

I hope I'll remember to do this....

1 comment:

SLC said...

I love the new look! You are amazing! Keep up the good work.