OK, so, our garden is growing. First is the dill. I had no idea how tall dill can grow. It is as tall as my toddler!
Next are some beans we are growing. Some of them are ready to be harvested, so I went out today and picked the first "fruits" of our veggie garden. Aren't they pretty?
What are they and what do I do with them now? Do I just eat them as is? Am I suppose to open them and get the little seeds out?
We also have carrots. They aren't suppose to be picked for another month or two, but I had to see one, so I picked one of the smaller plants and pulled out a carrot! It is tiny, but it is really a real carrot!
We are also growing cucumbers (to combine with the dill and make pickles), tomatoes, onions and pumpkins. I'm so excited to see it all grow. Now only if I liked to eat vegetables....
You eat sweet peas straight from the garden, they're great. How can you not love fresh tomatoes, cucumbers etc. I love veggies and fruits, summer in general. I could eat watermelon all day every day I think. Member when they used to cost 2 bucks each, I do. Man, I'm old.
Wow, I can't believe your garden is almost ready to pick! Ours is just starting to appear! Most be nice weather over there!
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