Friday, June 27, 2008

Peanut's progress

Well, Peanut is almost 3 months old. I think she has officially reached 12 weeks old, but she isn't 3 months old until next week. It is hard to believe how fast the time has gone. It is like she has been a part of my life forever, not just three months.

Peanut has two favorite things - her fingers and ceiling fans. She loves to munch on her fingers. They are in her mouth all the time. She doesn't suck on them, she munches and gums them. She also LOVES to watch ceiling fans go round and round. How great life is when munching on your fingers and watching a rotating fan makes you happy.

Peanut has been in the terrible twos (months that is). No, it isn't really terrible, but she can and does throw tantrums. This morning, I had her laying on the couch and I was sitting right there next to her. I was folding laundry and chatting with Peanut when she started to fuss. She had had enough of laying down. Of course, it doesn't matter to her that I have been holding her non-stop for 2 hours, and I set her down so I could do some much needed folding. Well, as I was saying, she was done and wanted to be picked up. I didn't and she got madder and madder until I had finished and stood up to put away dish towels. That was it for her. She was furious I had left her and she screamed. What was really funny is that she had just stuck her fist in her mouth. She is screaming at me now, even though I'm holding her. She is throwing a 1st class tantrum.

How fast they grow.


Real said...

ML, Real here. In regards to the inches off my waist, how about if you do some sort of service for someone else you know when I reach -3 inches and then post on the blog and tell me about it!?!!

Kleanteeth said...

Does she have a swing? I think maybe more detached time would help. You know how attached your 2 year old was and he wouldn't let you do anything and that drove you crazy. She better be sleeping in her bed too:) Don't punish yourself.

The Roaming Rolfe's said...

And it is only the begining! Got to love'em!