Monday, February 27, 2012

Planning our garden

Our family has tried every year over the last many years to plant a garden of some sort or other.  Some years it's been nothing more than a few herbs in planters and one year we did a large garden in the yard that produced about 100 mini carrots.  The last few years, as we lived in the desert, our garden options were limited, but we found a way to have a garden among all the rocks.  We used large storage tubs filled with soil. 

This year we live in such a wonderful area.  The owners of the home have planted gardens in previous years and the space for them are still in the yard.  We cleaned two of the garden plots and have one more to clean out before it will be ready.

But oh are we excited!  The Hubby has purchased seeds for cucumbers, green beans, pumpkin, and more.  I'm working on the herbs.  I'm going to do chives, basil, parsley, dill, lavender, angelica, rosemary, mint, spearmint, chamomile, and more.  I'm very, very excited to try all these herbs.

My garden will probably just end up being a bunch of black planter pots, but I have dreams of doing something like this:


Lena Baron said...

Seriously! Wouldn't that be amazing to be able to create such a masterpiece!? But I'm so glad you're in an area that will allow you to garden easier then in the past. Hope all is well!!

Molly said...

It would be so much fun to really fix it up. I probably could do a lot if I was willing to put in the time (and money).